Risk Assessment

Suitable for -

Supervisors and managers who are required to carry out Risk Assessments within the workplace

The aim of the course is -

This course is designed to provide candidates with an understanding of Risk Assessment principles and give them the practical skills to enable them to carry out and record Risk Assessments in the workplace, in accordance with current Health & Safety legislation.

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Course Content

  • Health and Safety Legislation – (including: The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 & The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999)
  • What is a Risk Assessment?
  • Defining suitable and sufficient
  • Understanding hazards and risks
  • The 5 steps to Risk Assessment
    • Identifying the hazards
    • Deciding who or what might be harmed/damaged and how
    • Evaluating the risks and deciding on precautions and effective control measures
    • Recording the findings and implementing them / making an action plan
    • Reviewing and revising updating Risk Assessments when necessary

The course is a mixture of theory and practical training / exercises.

Course Objectives -

On successful completion of this course, candidates will sufficient knowledge and understanding of Risk Assessments through theoretical and practical instruction and demonstration, giving them the skills and confidence to carry out and record real Risk Assessments in the workplace. Properly conducted and acted upon, Risk Assessments will cut down on time lost and absences due to injury and illness and will reduce instances of damage to property and equipment.

Venue - Either on-site at clients’ premises or at ITS Training Centre

Duration - Half Day

Candidate Numbers - Up to 10 per course

Certification - ITS Certification

Download Course Syllabus - Risk Assessment PDF

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