CDM Regulations Awareness

Suitable for -

This course is designed for anyone appointed as a duty holder under the CDM Regulations i.e. clients, designers, principal designers, principal contractors, contractors & workers. It will also be of benefit to anyone requiring an overview of the Regulations, such as managers and supervisors who have responsibilities for managing construction projects.

The aim of the course is -

This course is designed to provide candidates with a knowledge and understanding of the CDM Regulations and provide a valuable insight into the legal aspects and practical requirements for their respective role.

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Course Content

  • Overview of associated legislation (including: The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974)
  • CDM terminology
  • CDM application and notification
  • The phases of a construction project
  • CDM Regulations; where they apply
  • Duties of clients, designers, principal designers, principal contractors, contractors & workers
  • Pre-construction information
  • Construction phase plan
  • The Health & Safety file
  • Competence and resources
  • Management and control of contractors
  • General requirements for all construction sites

The course content can be customised and individual subjects can be expanded to suit company requirements.

Course Objectives -

On successful completion of this course, candidates will be able to interpret and understand the requirements of the CDM Regulations, including the roles & responsibilities of the duty holders, the requirements for notifying certain projects and the requirements for a health & safety file. Candidates will understand the importance of planning for and designing for integrated safety management within construction projects & will recognise the consequences of not managing safety within construction and design activities.

Venue - Either on-site at clients’ premises or at ITS Training Centre

Duration - 1 Day

Candidate Numbers - Up to 12 per course

Certification - ITS Certification

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